Lone Star Infusion
Ketamine Infusion Therapy located in Houston, TX
While post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is often associated with war veterans, anyone who experiences trauma can develop this disruptive condition. With customized treatment, you can control your PTSD symptoms and maintain a healthy and active life. Our Anesthesiologist/Anesthetist team offers ketamine IV infusion therapy for PTSD at Lone Star Infusion in Houston. Ketamine IV infusion is a revolutionary and rapidly acting treatment for PTSD and other mental health conditions. Call or schedule a consultation online today to find out if ketamine IV infusion therapy is right for you.
What is PTSD?
PTSD is a psychiatric condition that can develop following any type of traumatic experience. PTSD causes disruptive symptoms, including:
- Intense and disturbing thoughts and memories of the trauma
- Flashbacks
- Nightmares
- Extreme sadness, anger, or fear
- Detachment from other people
- Avoidance behaviors
- Strong reactions to unexpected noises
PTSD is highly personal; everyone experiences and responds to trauma differently. If you have PTSD, you may experience any of these symptoms, or others, to varying degrees of severity.
What causes PTSD?
The precise causes of PTSD aren’t clear. However, when you experience a traumatic event, it can trigger changes in the way your brain regulates chemicals and hormones in response to stress.
Your risk of PTSD is higher if you have a personal or family history of depression or anxiety. Other risk factors include experiencing trauma at any point during your life, substance abuse disorders, and lacking a strong social and emotional support system.
How is PTSD treated?
Ketamine IV infusion therapy provides rapid relief from depression and anxiety symptoms, offering the mental and emotional clarity needed for effective talk therapies. Ketamine IV therapy is an exceptional addition to other therapies for PTSD including processing therapies, desensitization therapies, and other psychotherapies.
What happens during ketamine IV therapy for PTSD?
You have an extensive consultation with an Anesthesiologist/Anesthetist to determine if ketamine IV infusion therapy is right for you. They often recommend beginning your treatment with a series of six infusion sessions. You’ll undergo hourlong, low-dose (around 0.5mg/kg/hr) IV infusion sessions once or twice a week. Each session includes a 40-minute infusion and 20 minutes of recovery. Like many other patients, you may experience a relaxed or floating sensation and other mild side effects during your treatment that subside quickly when your infusion is complete.
Depending on the severity of your symptoms and your response to ketamine IV infusion therapy, the Anesthesiologist/Anesthetist may suggest regular follow-up infusion sessions. They carefully monitor you during your IV infusion sessions to ensure all protocols and best practice standards ensure your safety.
If you want to learn more about ketamine IV infusion therapy and how it can complement and support your other PTSD therapies, call or make an appointment online today.
At Lone Star Infusion we provide ketamine treatments for depression and other symptoms in Houston, Texas.